Jennifer Sharma ‎Pierre Adlawan excellent work! I love the site. Very informative about Catmon... The best was the delicacies, gigutom kong gatan-aw oy... lol... Great job, superb! Double thumbs up! 

Velma Adlawan Taboada nice pier . very informativeYesterday at 5:49am · Like

Beth Estenzo great stuff Pierre Adlawan. thanks.49 minutes ago · Like
Mae Adlawan Tabasa
5/13/2012 03:47:19 am

Pierre great job! Very informative and just awesome. Reminds me lot of Catmon. Can you make the pictures larger & the names/titles for the delicacies?

5/14/2012 11:10:27 pm

Sure gaw Mae. Actually I'm still building the site, so there will be changes from time to time, but your suggestion is taken care of. If you have some old photos or good stories to share, please do so... this site is open to everyone. Thanks gaw.

8/1/2013 12:46:05 pm

i love it

9/15/2016 10:33:08 pm

Hello. Asa na dapit ang Tabili, Catmon? I would like to visit Tinubdan Falls. .. Unahan pa ni sa Esoy Hot Spring sa brgy Duyan? Thanks


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    May 2012

